One of the top reasons for patients visiting Bradford House Chiropractic is neck pain. Estimates are that one in ten of us are suffering from some degree of neck pain at any one time. The neck has to be in almost constant motion; the delicate vertebrae and supporting tissues do a great job at keeping everything together, but everyday activities can put these structures under a lot of stress.
If you are suffering from neck pain, problems such as clicking noises when you turn your head, stiffness in the neck (when reversing the car, for example) or tingling in your arms or hands, don’t wait for it to get worse – call us on 01962 861188 and arrange your appointment today!
Common Causes of Neck Pain
- Having a desk-based job
- Playing computer games
- Suffering from stress and tension
- Playing sports
- Developing poor posture over time
- Degenerative changes with age
neck pain may begin as a mild discomfort, perhaps a little achy, stiff or sore in the neck or shoulders. However, without correct, effective chiropractic treatment, it can lead to –
- Sharp, debilitating pain with numbness, weakness and tingling
- Pain radiating into the shoulders, down the arms and into the hands
- Dizziness and/or headache
- TMJ or jaw pain
How Can Chiropractic Care Help?
- Gentle and low risk Chiropractic adjustments for neck pain improve both the structural balance and the function of your spine.
- By correcting any misalignments causing ‘pinched’ or ‘trapped’ nerves, tingling and numbness is alleviated.
- By putting everything back in balance, Chiropractic treatment helps tissues to strengthen.
Chiropractic care may also include massage of neck muscles to relieve tension and tightness, exercises you can do at home to encourage improved mobility and strength plus postural advice to help you avoid further strain on your neck. We may also recommend the use of a specially contoured neck pillow to support your head and neck in the correct position at night.
Growing Older Does Not Have To Be A Pain In The Neck!
Estimates are that at least 20% of over 70s suffer from neck pain. This can make life a misery, making every day activities more difficult and prevent restful sleep at night. It can also be a potential cause of dizziness or unsteadiness on the feet
A 2013 study funded by US Department of Health and Human Services was published in the Spinal Journal¹. It showed that Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy plus prescribed home exercises is more effective for the treatment of persistent neck pain in the over 65 age-group than either supervised exercise plus home exercise or home exercise alone.
Results demonstrated at least a 75% improvement in pain levels in more that 60% of the Chiropractic treated group, compared with only around 25% of patients in the supervised plus home exercise group and 20% of the home exercise group! In addition to this, the Chiropractic treated group had greater reduction in the medication they were using.
So, if you are in the over 65s age-group and thought that your neck pain was just one more side-effect of growing older, Chiropractic care could be of significant benefit for you!
As an effective alternative to treating or masking the symptoms of neck pain Chiropractic care provides can provide a good long-term outcome for patients.