About Me
In 1995 I graduated with a BSc degree as a Chiropractor and began practicing full time. However during my first few years of practice I was plagued by continuing indigestion issues, fatigue and brain fog following a bout of severe gastroenteritis during my college years and subsequent repeated use of prescription antibiotics for stubborn recurrent sinusitis. This then lead to diagnosis of SIBO and IBS complicated by undiagnosed Coeliac disease, all of which sent me on a journey of discovery into the world of functional medicine and nutrition. I became my own test subject and over a decade later I am now healthier than at any other time that I can remember.
I have undertaken training with the Institute for Functional Medicine and studied extensively with the Academy of Chiropractic Nutrition. Following this training I have started to use therapy protocols on patients previously unresponsive to chiropractic care, standard medical care, dietary advice, homeopathy and many other therapies. The results have been both remarkable and gratifying as patients with continuing multiple and persistent symptoms have started to regain their health.
I currently split my time between my Chiropractic practice and nutritional consulting. Please note that any nutritional advice given is separate and distinct from my work as a registered Chiropractor.
How The Process Works
All new clients begin their journey by filling out our ACN health questionnaire and diet diary forms, which take up to an hour to complete. Tracking your symptoms, health interventions and significant life events from birth will enable me to produce a visual representation of your current health and plan your route back to optimal health. This will be explained in detail during your first consultation which takes around one hour and is delivered via Zoom or Skype.
At the second consultation we will go over key events in more detail and discuss any previous lab testing/therapies. You will then receive a written plan, which will include foundational diet changes, any recommended new or further lab testing, supplements, lifestyle and stress management techniques plus an idea of the expected time line and number of sessions needed. At the end of this consultation you should have a clear understanding of what we believe to be the reasons and processes that have lead you to your current health situation.
The road to recovery will often seem like a straight line from illness to health. The reality is that there are usually all sorts of turns, twists, roadblocks and other factors affecting our route to health. This is why we always adopt a flexible approach to the plan and adapt it depending on the client’s response and expectations.
It is important to understand the difference between a standard medical approach and an integrative or functional one. Whenever possible we seek to get to the root cause of health issues rather than a “quick” fix of suppressing the symptoms as will often happen with the normal medical approach.
Your body is a collection of cells that form tissue and organs and are then formed into systems such as cardiovascular, digestive, immune and neuroendocrine. All our systems operate via pathways that run like a complex factory conveyor belt. They need raw material as building blocks, vitamins & minerals to help move the belt and continue the building process and of course energy to run the system. If these systems slow down or stop, then the end product is reduced and there is an effect at a cellular level. If left unchecked then symptoms can slowly develop as the body systems move away from optimal function to malfunction.
Disease is often a long way off or may not even materialise, however the body systems are malfunctioning and creating symptoms which are often given a label or “diagnosis” by the medical profession. We seek to find the root cause of your symptoms and tailor a program to help address and hopefully resolve the underlying issue and any resulting symptoms.
Fees and Policies
New Patient Consultation: (60 mins) including detailed analysis of the health questionnaire via Zoom or Skype (in person consultations at the clinic are not currently available): £190. We provide a discounted rate of £132 for existing patients to the clinic.
Second Consultation: (30 mins) including written plan and recommendations: £116.
Follow up Consultations: (15 / 30 mins): £58 / £116.
The frequency and length of follow up consultations are dependent on the complexity of the case, the ability of the client to make the recommended lifestyle and diet changes and any sensitivity to these changes. We always make a personalised and bespoke plan that is flexible to the needs of the client. The expected number of follow up sessions, on average, would be in the region of 3 – 6, which could be over a 3 – 12 month period. This may be (for example) monthly for relatively simple issues or even at two weekly intervals for those with more complex issues.
Any questions on the foundational plan, supplements or tests that have short answers or a yes/no can often be actioned via email, however anything beyond this does not usually fully resolve the questions and can lead to misunderstanding. To avoid this we would then recommend that the client book a 15 minute Zoom, Skype or Phone session currently priced at £58.
If you would like to book your initial Functional Nutrition New Patient Consultation, call Bradford House Chiropractic & Wellness Centre on 01962 861188 or Contact us.