Dry Needling involves inserting acupuncture needles into tight knots or bands in the muscles. It has a sound physiological basis and is a safe and effective form of pain management for musculoskeletal pain, inflammation and osteoarthritis.
Do they hurt?
The needles are only quarter of a millimetre thick, much narrower than a hypodermic syringe. Whilst some patients don’t feel them, others describe an ache, warm feeling or dull burning. Occasionally someone can feel nauseous. If patients do not like the needles we can use other techniques to release the muscle tension.
What do they help with?
We apply the needles into tight muscles and research has shown that acupuncture:-
- Relaxes tight muscles
- Reduces pain by altering chemicals in parts of the brain and spinal cord which inhibit pain
- Locally reduces inflammation causing less pain and swelling with more movement of the affected joints
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials provide evidence for effectiveness in treating:-
- Osteoarthritis (wear and tear)
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- Tennis elbow
The NICE guidelines recommend acupuncture as an effective treatment sometimes used in conjunction with other treatments for low back pain. We follow these guidelines for low back pain and many other conditions.
In addition, research has shown that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture is superior to that of medication for migraine sufferers and can improve their quality of life by lessening the frequency and severity of migraines.
This is backed up by a study that found 83% of patients experienced long term benefits from acupuncture compared to 57% with medication.
How do they work?
When a needle goes into a tight muscle it alters the nerve signals sent from muscle spindles to the spinal cord which in turn inhibits the nerves that dictate how tight or relaxed the muscle will be resulting in reduced or more relaxed muscle tone.
If you require treatment and live in the Winchester and Hampshire areas then ring the Bradford House Chiropractic & Wellness Centre on 01962 861188 or Contact us now to book your initial appointment.