DON’T OVER DO IT! Avoid bending, twisting and lifting (including housework and DIY) until advised. Adhere to any exercises given and avoid other non-essential activities. Gentle walking is generally okay. Discuss with your chiropractor what you would like to do before undertaking new activities or returning to existing hobbies.
Avoid prolonged periods in bed as this could weaken muscles and stiffen joints. Generally sleeping on your stomach can aggravate but if a specific position feels more comfortable to you then it is likely to be okay. If you are struggling to get out of bed move to the edge, roll onto your side and sit up pushing with your arms and swinging your legs off the side of the bed. Try not to do a ‘sit-up’.
When driving, we suggest pushing your bottom well back into the seat and sitting with your back at 110°-120° angle to your legs. If your car does not have good lumbar support use a rolled-up towel as if you were going swimming and place it in the small of your back. Ensure that your driving position allows your shoulders to be relaxed and your knees to be supported but slightly bent when your feet are on the pedals. Avoid long drives without a break and when you take a break do not just sit, move around for about ten minutes.
Generally avoid hot water bottles, long baths, heat lamps, hot rubs and heating balms etc. unless specifically advised otherwise by your chiropractor. Heat can ease discomfort but may delay recovery as it could lead to more swelling in the area. Try to stick to showers for hygiene and if you have a bath do not spend too long in it.
Ice can help reduce inflammation and numb pain temporarily. For effective relief, apply an ice pack—or a bag of peas wrapped in kitchen paper—for up to 15 minutes to the affected areas. It’s best to do this frequently, aiming for five to ten minutes every two hours during the initial one or two weeks of treatment, and then as needed when you feel sore afterwards. You can apply the ice while walking, sitting, or lying on your back with your knees bent for comfort.
When resting, you may find it comfortable to lie on a sofa with your knees bent and your back propped up. Avoid slouching or sitting ‘too upright’ as this increases the pressure on your back. Get up and walk about every half hour or so.
If you are not in too much pain try to walk for a few minutes after treatment before you get back into your car. This will reduce the possibility of undoing any treatment. Keep moving about during the day and take short walks from your house/place of work as this can prevent you from becoming stiff or your muscles from ‘locking up’. Do not over do it!
If you require treatment and live in the Winchester and Hampshire areas then ring the Bradford House Chiropractic & Wellness Centre on 01962 861188 or Contact us now to book your next appointment.