Neck pain is one of the most common causes for a visit to the Bradford House Practice of Winchester Chiropractor, Max Atkinson. Many people have muscle and soft tissue problems causing pain in the neck, while others have mechanical pain caused by a problem with the spinal joints. Either can cause an acute attack of neck pain or result in chronic pain that is either persistent, or comes and goes.
Neck pain can be a worry as degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis give rise to concerns about coping with the demands of a busy job and family life in the future. Musculoskeletal problems in the neck can give rise to (sometimes debilitating) referred pain in the shoulder and elbow and cause headaches.
If you have concerns about neck pain, or conditions arising from it, a comprehensive package of Chiropractic care is offered at Bradford House and includes gentle Chiropractic adjustments where appropriate, plus advice on exercise, workplace ergonomics, posture, diet and more. Call your Winchester Chiropractor on 01962 861188 to arrange an appointment today.
Preventing the Mechanical Causes of Neck Pain
Avoid adopting a ‘head forward’ posture for long periods. People using smartphones and tablets for texting, game playing and watching video are particularly at risk from this cause of neck pain.
When sitting, try to avoid slouching, sit upright with shoulders relaxed and your lower back supported. Avoid crossed legs and keep your feet flat on the floor.
Get up regularly, even while watching TV at home, every 20 minutes or so is about right to stand up, have a stretch or just a walk around the room.
Workplace Ergonomics:
Make sure that your seat at the computer allows you to sit upright with both feet on the floor and that the top of the screen you are looking at is at eye level.
If you need to refer to documents while working, a holder (like the cookery book holders used in the kitchen) can be useful for keeping documents at the same level as your screen.
If your job involves a lot of telephoning, use a headset. Never cradle the phone between your ear and your shoulder.
If your work involves a lot of driving, make sure that both your head and lower back are supported, and that your arms are in a comfortable, relaxed position on the steering wheel.
If job involves lifting, training on safe lifting techniques, is a requirement for your employer. Ask for this training and always lift with your knees and a straight back, keeping the weight as close to you as possible.
When carrying any weight (such as shopping bags), make sure the weight is not all carried in one hand; spread it evenly between both hands/arms. A good backpack is very helpful for distributing weight between shoulders, spine and hips.
Avoiding Neck Pain Caused By Sleeping Habits:
Many of us take a great deal of time choosing exactly the right mattress – but very often, do not give as much care to choosing our pillow. Having the wrong pillow can be a major cause of neck pain. Your pillow should keep your neck straight and in alignment with the rest of your spine. Cervical pillows are shaped to facilitate this. Water filled, or memory-foam pillows can also be helpful.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach as this puts the most strain on your spine.
If you want to take an afternoon nap in your armchair, use a neck pillow that will prevent your head from lolling to one side when you doze.
Avoiding Stress-Related Neck Pain:
The tense muscles caused by stress are a leading cause of neck pain. If stress is an issue for you, ask your Chiropractor about relaxation exercises and stress management techniques as well as neck exercises.
Diet and Nutrition:
Staying at a healthy weight is one of the best things you can do for your spine and neck. Correct nutrition is vital for bones and muscles. Your Winchester Chiropractor can give advice on Diet and Nutritional supplements that may be beneficial. One of the most important things you can do is to remain properly hydrated.
There is a lot you can do to prevent neck pain. Remember that your Winchester Chiropractor is not just there for when pain strikes. Correct advice on posture, lifestyle and workplace ergonomics makes it much easier to avoid neck pain, but if it does strike, help is at hand – call 01962 861188.